Escape the Prison by Thomas

This is a small "escape the room" game that lets you choose between different characters. Any comments on gameplay and presentation are very welcome, but go easy - it is my first Quest game! :)

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Review by mdemslie1
01 Feb 2019
cute little game.

Review by Calvinballing
15 Feb 2015
The switching characters is nice, and this is good for a first game, but overall it needs significantly more development. Many of the actions that I tried resulted in the default responses, even to ordinary things. More of the items need additional aliases, and some of the verb patterns that seemed like they should have worked did not.

Review by Michael MacDonald
07 Dec 2011
nice game,
but much too short..
that's what she said :P

Review by Tim Hamilton
08 Oct 2010
Nice little game. Way too short for my likes. but nicely done.
btw. I like the switching character thing. I have used it in wizard and am going to use it again in wizard2. If you want each character to have his own inventory what i did was create a dummy room for each character. So when you switch you run a script that moves everything in inventory to the dummy room and vice versa.

Review by tim
10 Sep 2010
far to easy to complete, although i thought the changing of characters was a good idea, pity its so short, mind it has so much potential to be a BIG game

Review by Stephen Brown
04 Sep 2010
I posted a response to this on the Axe Software Forums.. very well done! It took a moment for me to figure it out, but I managed to finish the game. I really like your idea for switching between different characters. It was once mentioned to me that Slackers Inc. should do something like that, but we'd already began production on our game and it would of been to complicated. Congratulations!

Review by Wheelnut
24 Aug 2010
Yep, that did the trick.
I actually saw that little menu, but I hadn't realized it switched characters!

I give it three stars, because it's a bit small, and because the switching characters was a little unclear.
In a bigger game, having to switch between characters to make use of individual special skills could provide the recipe for an awesome game!

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Written for Quest 4.1
Published 07 Aug 2010

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