I Rescued Elvis From Communist Alien Jerks by Rob Sedler

A truly silly game in which you play a local yokel who gets picked up by some alien screwheads, only to find out that they have also snagged ELVIS. Can you escape? Can you help THE KING escape? Will the tabloids be interested in your story? These questions, and less, are all revealed in the game.

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Review by Jusve
28 Sep 2014
The game is fairly easy, but not so much as to be boring. I agree with The Gamer that it would be nice to not have to write the full name of an object. I remember finding the writing and premise amusing, if the language mistakes are somewhat distracting. Also, the title shouldn't allude to communist alien jerks if the alien jerks aren't actually communists.

Review by miladragon3
17 Sep 2013
Fun game, even though the security guard cracked my neck.

Review by GAMER!
16 Jan 2008
Examine the cot then take the cot leg and use it on the mirror.

Review by Tai
05 Jul 2007
I got stuck on the holding cell. Oh well. Could someone help me? I tried everything...

Anyways its a cool game... even though I've only gotten that far hehe...

4 stars

Review by Caleb Howell2
12 Apr 2005
This game was Frikin' Weird...Yet, it Kicked Ass.

Review by The Gamer
07 Sep 2004
I will give the author credit for taking the time to add thought out descriptions to the rooms and objects and let's not forget the storyline itself. The descriptions were just a tad too descriptive. Instead of getting into the game, everything I looked at was a story in itself.

It was somewhat humorous. Not quite as funny as I was expecting after reading the other ratings.

I don't mean to be picky, but I cannot give this game a 5. A 4 is plenty fair enough given that you HAVE to spell out the entire real name of the object if you want to interact with it. Example, why can't I look at "truck"? Why does the game not understand that and forces you to type "look at pickup truck". I'm a fast typist but it's annoying to have to type it out while playing a game for enjoyment.

That being said and after how everyone loved this game, you guys are going to drool over mine coming out soon.

Review by plumpythesquirrel
14 Jul 2004
i loved it but i'm still working on it... i just started text adventures so i'm a bit lost keep up the good work

Review by Jamie Park
13 Jul 2004
This is a very good game here. I went pretty far but I got stuck after I obtain the power cells and the fuel pellets. Keep it up.

Review by Anonymous
09 Oct 2003
Look I don't know what you do in this game? Yet people say its good so I'll give you 3 stars or dots whatever you call it.

Review by Ste Edwards
30 Aug 2003
truely amazing game, good grammar, very funny indeed, and i had a good time playing it, so well done :D

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Written by
Rob Sedler

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Written for Quest 3.11
Published 13 Apr 2003

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