MagicSword Part 1: Legacy of Earth by Dom

You are a young pupil at the Luridii Acadamy. You were sent here when you were about 7 to study magic. Since then you have been drilled in the art of sorcery, but also combat skills have been taught to you, as yours is a harsh world. Years later you are called into the Head Luridii's study...

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Review by zachattack001
17 Dec 2014
it is hard for first timers

Review by coan10
02 Oct 2013
very good game i wish i was smart enough to finish it.

Review by Ben26
20 Feb 2013
I thought this game was great! Please make a sequel!
Also to deafeat the Oggy-Waggi plant, use your sword, it will get taken from you, then your dagger.
Don't worry, you'll get your sword back.

Review by GreyOwl
30 Dec 2012
I rate this a 4 because I always get stuck in the Hallucination Forest. I always get killed when I find the oggy-waggi plant.

Review by Simon Birch
24 Oct 2012
It is good, I did not have the same problems with getting out the forest as everyone else. However it is very buggy, if you enter the forest, leave, save the game and come back to play later you no longer are immune. I've had to drink the potion at least three times, one after having cured the illness. The cousin reverts back to ill health after being cured. The gatehouse does not open after you are cured the disease. The second whisp before the den can't be attacked. Apart from these issues the game would warrant a four.

Review by George
05 Jul 2008
This game rocks!! There are no bugs just that I can't get out of the Hallucination forest!!! I rate it 5 stars :)

Review by Anonymous
29 Oct 2004
"can you please tell me what to do in the opening area"
Blah. I have asked for the same since 2003 under another name, and noone have given an answer yet!

Post a walkthrough someplace, for Gods sake!!!!!

Review by Anonymous
15 Jul 2004
yeah this game s-u-c-k-s! how do you get stuff?boo!how do you speak and whats with the guy that says"I see it!!!."?
BORING!*thorws banana*

Review by Anonymous
11 Jun 2004
This game S-U-C-K-S.
It's impossible to get into any of the training rooms,
you can't talk to your teachers, you can't leave,

Review by Robin????
11 Jan 2004
How the heck can you get the staff so you can get some knowledge about "magic combat"?

I didn't understand a single bit of this game!

PLEEEEEZ! Give me a hint or two?

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