
Reviews by broadwaydude

Review for life simulator
10 Jan 2024
Heck yeah, feller. This is some top-quality low-quality text adventure. Looks like this is your first one. Congrats!

You know, you actually have a strong writing style. Some stories in here could get their own game. For some reason, the egg story was entertaining and could be developed much further if you so please. You also wrote an enjoyable journey to the moon. I would love to see you write a space comedy game.

I see a lot of potential here. Keep exercising your writing skills and play with the functionalities of your software. Text adventures are so addicting once you get in that rhythm. Cheers, feller!


24 Apr 2023
I'm treating this as a very successful demo. A wonderful friendly sense of humor!

I see much potential here! If you can muster this in two and a half hours, I can't wait to see what you would do with more!

Review for The movietheater
17 Apr 2023
Ooooh, I got the secret ending. Fancy fancy.

This was actually a good time! Short, sweet, and rewarding.

Review for picturesque
23 Feb 2023
Short and effective. A game of this scale can easily fall into the realm of inmemorable. It risks limiting player interaction to such an extreme that it becomes a book with an indecisive ending.

But the storytelling was fully present.

The slight use of color. The very well selected and placed music. Short sections and paragraphs packed with immersive writing.

A successful prototype indeed. Especially since you’ve been revisiting this game for updates, I would love to see an expanded version, or at minimum, more from this author.

Review for Cubes and Ladders
05 Feb 2023
Okay, you must appreciate it wholeheartedly when you see a solid attempt at a text adventure game.

The AI art gives the game a whole new life. An easy detail that came a long way.

Despite its noninteractive prologue, the environment and storytelling move quite well! The stakes of the matter are quite large, and exploring the fun futuristic products of the company makes the game interesting and worth playing.

The puzzles and scavenger hunting you get to complete your report for the meeting is very straightforward but clever enough to make you feel like you're good at parser games.

Although, once you hand in your report, the path forward is unclear. Every step forward feels arbitrary. Once I started using the walkthrough, I couldn't stop using it. Some things, such as noticing the cap, were impossible to spot unless you looked at that specific location.

This game could do with a few more quality-of-life updates, but overall, I had a lot of fun and looked forward to continuing my exploration. Hopefully, this game can get more acknowledgment for its efforts at creating thoroughly developed content.

28 Dec 2022
Well, this is interesting. It's an OK game. Very random fun stuff. Quite enjoyable, for sure!

What made this game stand out for me was simply the first three lines of the game.

"the year 1346:
you are dead
>violently lurch forwards"

What a magnificent start to any game. Short, and informative, but leaves the player wanting to understand the context of these lines. If you plan on seriously making a fully realized game, you should consider recycling this opening. Very exciting.

'Tis was fun! I can't believe you made me restart my game at the quiz. You've got ballz man.

I believe I was longing for more impactful decision-making in the game. That isn't to say that Barry the Banana didn't feel like my child that I materialized into existence (you killed him btw). There were a lot of fun moments in the game, but the overall format makes it hard to sit through, given there's no clear objective.

There was a lot of beautiful thought and love pumped into this game, and it shows. I look forward to seeing what games you make next!

P.S. We always love a Squiffy user :)

06 Nov 2022
A lot of the stuff was cool.

Review for Detective Sunny
13 Aug 2022
Hey, man. This is some really nifty stuff! You’ve got great immersive writing and interesting choices. The interface is lovely and if you flip your phone screen sideways, everything reverts to how it should be. It’s still very playable on vertical anyway.

I only wished that there was more interactivity. I feel like there are various spots that I would have been great diverging points, but you stay stuck to the narrative for long periods of time. This is not that bad because the writing is overall quite strong.

The characters are fun, memorable, and unique. Deserves more views and reviews. Good job!

Wow. You... You did it. You made the catmeme timeline a playable game. And the way it's written is hilarious. Props to you, Techno09! I had a really fun time. They should either classify this in surreal or comedy.

I'm still speechless.

Review for try to eat beans
02 Dec 2021
Should be sandbox. Short and uninteresting. A waste of time.

Review for Worm
29 Nov 2021
What a pity that this isn’t being rated. Such a hilarious game with nice short text chunks. I’ll give it a 5 in hopes that more people will see it.

29 Nov 2021
Giving this a 5 star for the person who gave it three :)

Review for Ye Olde Barbershop
28 Nov 2021
How doth you badeth of grammar toth too teh spleling. Understandable, but too mucheth of eth the Elizabethan Englishen maketh me tired and confuseth humph muohhth pfffttt!

But it’s really funny. And I enjoyed it. Nice concept.
(checking in with everyone to say that my Elizabethan English was poor on purpose so I can avoid having to r/woooosh anyone)

25 Nov 2021
Gahhh. It’s so funny. I want to rate this higher because it’s such a funny concept and well executed, but the player needs to feel like their choices affect the plot somehow. Maybe have it so that we get an epilogue of Patrick’s life after reading the letter and how some of the grandpa’s advice results in crazy crap (maybe he dies or he just lives a normal life or he becomes rich and famous or something based on some obscure details). I doubt that you’ll be editing this, but I personally would love to see a better version of this!

Going off of the review below me, this game is really funny, but not very interactive. I didn’t feel like my choices were altering the story very much. Some more versatility would make this game super awesome. I’m giving it one more star than the one below because I was still personally able to enjoy the game.

23 Nov 2021
Pretty good. Epic gamer moments filled in this one. Try splitting up your paragraphs more to make it easier to read. Being a sparrow is fun. Especially when you’re a leopard.

Review for Detectiveland
13 Nov 2021
Wonderful funny and immersive game. Everything about this is great. The music, stories, writing, interface... You've gotta love it.

Review for Journey
13 Nov 2021
It was okay. I personally thought it could be funnier for a game as random as this one. It was fun exploring the multiple storylines. That dance battle had some pretty epic stuff.

Hehe, this one is a nice laugh. I don't think there's much to say about this that you haven't already figured out from playing. It's quick and dapper. Nifty.

Review for Photopia
09 Nov 2021
One of the best IFs there are. If consistently type in, "Who am I", you're going to get a lot of juicy information that better help keep track of the story. I'm saying this because I naturally did this and knew that a lot of people wouldn't.
It hooks you in the begging and it hooks you again. And again. And again.
The way that it's played makes your choices feel original despite the fact that the path the author planned on their audience to take is set in stone.
Dang guys, when I saw that abundance of green lights, I was like, NOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Also, you get out of the garage by typing "Get out".


03 Nov 2021
I liked the writing and how the links were incorporated into the sentences. I got a good laugh out of it. All in all, it was a short sweet game.

27 Oct 2021
Hehe. I crack at the fact that the narrator wants us to make rational decisions but we're only limited two our two wonderful options.

I think it worked out well for us in the end.

Review for The Tower
27 Oct 2021
I've given a lot of five stars to short silly comedy games that I found were nice little time wasters, but this was actually pretty well fleshed out. The achievements, the detail, and the quick pace of your actions are great! Although I still got stuck doing the hustle and the electric slide on a forever loop at Disco Dan's boss battle (Yay for Square Root of Stupid), I was able to forgive it because it was such a good game. Well done.

27 Oct 2021
Hillarious game. Disco dan truly is best dan. It pains me that even after all of this time you still haven't updated the game. I hope one day you come back and finish the game. People are still waiting for you, believe it or not.

Review for Fatal Island Part 1
25 Oct 2021
This is the game that made me want to create gamebooks. The writing is immersive and the choices are impactful. The stakes keep the game engaging, and the second part makes this collection a gem. Thank you for your games!

08 Oct 2021
I give it a 3 because the bad grammar and limited options cancel out the beautiful immersiveness of the game design. Also, check that your images can be processed. The TV screen doesn't show.

Review for Space Scums
25 Jun 2020
I love the graphics. A very fun and simple game. I really was a space scum.

25 Jun 2020
This is epic, broski. Great job for a first game!

Review for Treasure Venture
23 Jun 2020
Beautiful pixel art. This is a very polished well-rounded game. Very fun to play.

22 Jun 2020
Great quality indeed. Can't wait to see when it's finished!

Review for Zombies at School
09 Jun 2019
Very basic and elementary. Very short and boring. Sorry.

08 Jun 2019
You misspelled Christmas.

Review for What to do?
08 Jun 2019
I see.
So I'm wasting my life
Playing this game?
No I am not.
This was necessary.
Thank you.

Review for Rock:The Game
05 Jun 2019
I thought this was going to be a rock cycle project that someone did for a school project.

I was happily mistaken.

Review for The Funeral
19 May 2019
Very humorous and very sad. The writing style and seemingly accurate perspective of the toddler are interesting and laughable. To my own horror, I was chuckling throughout the entire thing. That is until the very end. Nice work.

Review for Seedship
15 May 2019
What a nice short game to play. It definitely has a lot of replay value to it. This is a game of choice where almost everything is random. Love it.

Review for Joe
07 May 2019
This is an incredibly strange game of multiple storylines. Luckily, I got to do the Tricia suicide storyline first and was incredibly moved by the storyline and got really excited to play the rest. I took the Sodo path and became mildly confused at the genre shift but thought that this would be the entirety of the game where there are multiple stories each with different genres. I was mildly disappointed. There weren't enough storylines to make me happy and there's no connection between the storylines either. The cover of the game is very misleading as well. I was expecting something fast and more of like a "This happens, what do you do" type of game. There is a lot of potential in this game, but I recommend you put more work into it.

06 May 2019
It's a fun time waster. The drawings are simple and the situation is so monotone at times that it has that light immediate chuckle factor that I was searching for today. There isn't a lot of hard decision making here which kept me engaged and confident I would finish it. Good job!

Review for Secrets of the Toy
12 Jul 2017
I love the story and the quality of the game. I did see you struggle with many typos and it is really annoying that you can't win without being fired or dead. But I still like it! Nice job!

Review for Where is Hammy?
12 Jul 2017
This is so cute! Obviously, you can improve it, but it kept me interested! Good job!

Review for Analiza
12 Jul 2017
Ahaha what?

Review for Nothingness
29 Jun 2017
Wow. Made me think. A bit sad that I can't see a legit ending with all of the answers, but i LIKE IT!

Review for The Red Hair
25 Jun 2017
Umm, haha. Pretty straightforward messages for when you lose or win. I wouldn't say this was horror, but more comedy. How about both comedy and horror. Okay, that's enough. I would love it to be longer though. Good job!

Review for The Intruder
25 Jun 2017
I'm a bit disappointed on how short the game is. I would really love more of this.

25 Jun 2017
Well, I didn't really understand so much of what was happening. It's okay. You've done better. The lack of a story and descriptions made it very hard to pay attention or play. I like your use of randomness and all, but too much of it just makes the game harder. I know you can do better.

25 Jun 2017
This was not taken serious at all. Just a bunch of randomness thrown here and there. It made absolutely no sense and ruins a relationship if added into a conversation. Aimlessly adding nonsense here and there with corny references all over the place.

I love it.

21 Jun 2017
It has and always will be my favorite text adventure. I managed to beat it, and that took about a month. Yet, I never got bored. Of course, the version with the graphics and all is much more convenient for the eyes (not like you are not gonna use any of the other senses). On the whole, I LOVE THIS GAME!





